
Can delete Attributes and other permanent things

jmacia opened this issue · 4 comments

You're currently able to Remove Attributes, Skills, and other things, with no confirmation or other indication that this is a terrible plan. I did it by accident--the button is huge and right next to Save. You can add them back and use the "free value" thing to bring them back up to their original value, but that's a counterintuitive workflow.

Do you have any suggestions for this that are generic? The remove button is needed in a lot of unintuitive places to represent the full breadth of characters.

  1. Visually minimize the Remove button. It's unnecessarily large, and it's right next to the Save button. I get it--it's big so it works on mobile, but it doesn't have to be that big.
  2. Add a confirmation dialog. Removing things should not be commonplace enough that this becomes annoying for anyone.
  3. Use color to call out the Remove button as notably different from the Save button, e.g., Save = Green, Delete = Red.

Good suggestions. I'll put this on the next feature list.

Still good suggestions. I'll probably take these on when I make the buy-off button for flaws. #126