Simple input validation.
You'll no longer have to do the following:
if (!isset($input['content'])) {
throw new \RuntimeException('The required option "content" is missing.');
if (!is_string($input['content'])) {
throw new \RuntimeException('The option "content" is expected to be of type "string"');
if (!isset($input['author'])) {
throw new \RuntimeException('The required option "author" is missing.');
if (!is_string($input['author'])) {
throw new \RuntimeException('The option "author" is expected to be of type "string"');
With Ordono, keep a clean validation:
use Gnugat\Ordono\CommandResolver;
$command = new CreateQuoteCommand(); // Definition of a valid input
$commandResolver = new CommandResolver();
// $commandResolver->addConverter(new Symfony2RequestConverter());
$commandResolver->resolve($command, $input); // Throws exceptions if something is wrong
Use Composer to install Ordono in your project:
composer require gnugat/ordono:~1.0
You can see the current and past versions using one of the following:
- the
git tag
command - the releases page on Github
- the file listing the changes between versions
You can find more documentation at the following links: