
Problem when running

Xdavlar opened this issue · 2 comments

I ran into a slight issue when running the file. It says that: line 8: PREFIX: unbound variable and doesn't the complete the run. I've tried to set PREFIX on the commandline and re-run the script but that doesn't work either.

I could always hardcode it to a value in the script, but I would think there is a point to $PREFIX being there. So how should I do it the "correct way"?

I had this issue when I tried to run file directly. Turned out using make command is the right way to build all the docker images...

However, at this point I am able to launch gnuradio-python-minimal from the file, I was not able to run any of my python files as the error says

ImportError: No module named gnuradio

Am I doing anything wrong?

We reset this repo -- issue no longer applies.