Signal Metadata Format (SigMF)
Welcome to the SigMF project! The SigMF specification document is the
file in this repository. Below we discuss why and how you might use SigMF in your projects.
Sharing sets of recorded signal data is an important part of science and engineering. It enables multiple parties to collaborate, is often a necessary part of reproducing scientific results (a requirement of scientific rigor), and enables sharing data with those who do not have direct access to the equipment required to capture it.
Unfortunately, these datasets have historically not been very portable, and there is not an agreed upon method of sharing metadata descriptions of the recorded data itself. This is the problem that SigMF solves.
By providing a standard way to describe data recordings, SigMF facilitates the sharing of data, prevents the "bitrot" of datasets wherein details of the capture are lost over time, and makes it possible for different tools to operate on the same dataset, thus enabling data portability between tools and workflows.
SigMF signal recordings typically involve a data file (e.g., a binary file of IQ
or RF samples) and a metadata file containing plain text that describes the data.
Together these files represent one recording, such as example.sigmf-data
. Here is a minimal example of a SigMF .sigmf-meta
"global": {
"core:datatype": "cf32_le",
"core:sample_rate": 1000000,
"core:hw": "PlutoSDR with 915 MHz whip antenna",
"core:author": "Art Vandelay",
"core:version": "1.0.0"
"captures": [
"core:sample_start": 0,
"core:frequency": 915000000
"annotations": []
Using SigMF
There are at least four ways you can use SigMF today, thanks to the community-supported projects:
- Within Python, using the Python package included in this repo and discussed below
- Within C++ using the header-only C++ library libsigmf maintained by DeepSig
- Within GNU Radio using the out-of-tree module gr-sigmf maintained by SkySafe
- Manually, using our examples and the spec itself, even if it's simply editing a text file
The SigMF standards effort is organized entirely within this Github repository. Questions, suggestions, bug reports, etc., are discussed in the issue tracker, feel free to create a new issue and provide your input, even if it's not a traditional issue. Changes to the specification only occur through Pull Requests. This ensures that the history and background of all discussions and changes are maintained for posterity.
There is also a SigMF chat room on GNU Radio's Matrix chat server where you can ask SigMF-related questions, or participate in various discussions. Lastly, there are monthly SigMF calls covering a variety of topics, on the third Monday of each month at 11:30AM Eastern/New York Time, please email for an invite and Zoom link.
Anyone is welcome to get involved - indeed, the more people involved in the discussions, the more useful the standard is likely to be!
The "Core" SigMF standard is intentionally kept limited in scope, additional metadata fields can be added through SigMF Extensions. For example, the signal extension provides a standard way to specify modulation schemes and other attributes of wireless comms signals. Several general purpose canonical extensions live within this repository directly in the extensions directory, while others are maintained by third parties. Below we include a listing of some popular, compliant SigMF extensions. To have your extension reviewed for inclusion on this list, please open a PR adding the repository to the list below:
SigMF Python Package
If you are interested in using SigMF within Python, we recommend using our Python package which lives within this repo, and works with Python 3.6 and higher. This module is distributed freely under the terms GNU Lesser GPL v3 License.
To install the latest released version of the SigMF package, install it from pip:
pip install sigmf
To install the latest development version, build the package from source:
git clone
cd SigMF
pip install .
To run the included QA tests:
Use Cases
Load a SigMF archive; read all samples & metadata
import sigmf
handle = sigmf.sigmffile.fromfile('example.sigmf')
handle.read_samples() # returns all timeseries data
handle.get_global_info() # returns 'global' dictionary
handle.get_captures() # returns list of 'captures' dictionaries
handle.get_annotations() # returns list of all annotations
Verify SigMF dataset integrity & compliance
sigmf_validate example.sigmf
Load a SigMF dataset; read its annotation, metadata, and samples
from sigmf import SigMFFile, sigmffile
# Load a dataset
filename = 'logo/sigmf_logo' # extension is optional
signal = sigmffile.fromfile(filename)
# Get some metadata and all annotations
sample_rate = signal.get_global_field(SigMFFile.SAMPLE_RATE_KEY)
sample_count = signal.sample_count
signal_duration = sample_count / sample_rate
annotations = signal.get_annotations()
# Iterate over annotations
for adx, annotation in enumerate(annotations):
annotation_start_idx = annotation[SigMFFile.START_INDEX_KEY]
annotation_length = annotation[SigMFFile.LENGTH_INDEX_KEY]
annotation_comment = annotation.get(SigMFFile.COMMENT_KEY, "[annotation {}]".format(adx))
# Get capture info associated with the start of annotation
capture = signal.get_capture_info(annotation_start_idx)
freq_center = capture.get(SigMFFile.FREQUENCY_KEY, 0)
freq_min = freq_center - 0.5*sample_rate
freq_max = freq_center + 0.5*sample_rate
# Get frequency edges of annotation (default to edges of capture)
freq_start = annotation.get(SigMFFile.FLO_KEY)
freq_stop = annotation.get(SigMFFile.FHI_KEY)
# Get the samples corresponding to annotation
samples = signal.read_samples(annotation_start_idx, annotation_length)
Create and save a Collection of SigMF Recordings from numpy arrays
First, create a single SigMF Recording and save it to disk
import datetime as dt
import numpy as np
import sigmf
from sigmf import SigMFFile
from sigmf.utils import get_data_type_str
# suppose we have an complex timeseries signal
data = np.zeros(1024, dtype=np.complex64)
# write those samples to file in cf32_le
# create the metadata
meta = SigMFFile(
data_file='example_cf32.sigmf-data', # extension is optional
global_info = {
SigMFFile.DATATYPE_KEY: get_data_type_str(data), # in this case, 'cf32_le'
SigMFFile.DESCRIPTION_KEY: 'All zero complex float32 example file.',
SigMFFile.VERSION_KEY: sigmf.__version__,
# create a capture key at time index 0
meta.add_capture(0, metadata={
SigMFFile.FREQUENCY_KEY: 915000000,
SigMFFile.DATETIME_KEY: dt.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()+'Z',
# add an annotation at sample 100 with length 200 & 10 KHz width
meta.add_annotation(100, 200, metadata = {
SigMFFile.FLO_KEY: 914995000.0,
SigMFFile.FHI_KEY: 915005000.0,
SigMFFile.COMMENT_KEY: 'example annotation',
# check for mistakes & write to disk
meta.tofile('example_cf32.sigmf-meta') # extension is optional
Now lets add another SigMF Recording and associate them with a SigMF Collection:
from sigmf import SigMFCollection
data_ci16 = np.zeros(1024, dtype=np.complex64)
#rescale and save as a complex int16 file:
data_ci16 *= pow(2, 15)
# create the metadata for the second file
meta_ci16 = SigMFFile(
data_file='example_ci16.sigmf-data', # extension is optional
global_info = {
SigMFFile.DATATYPE_KEY: 'ci16_le', # get_data_type_str() is only valid for numpy types
SigMFFile.DESCRIPTION_KEY: 'All zero complex int16 file.',
SigMFFile.VERSION_KEY: sigmf.__version__,
meta_ci16.add_capture(0, metadata=meta.get_capture_info(0))
collection = SigMFCollection(['example_cf32.sigmf-meta', 'example_ci16.sigmf-meta'],
metadata = {'collection': {
SigMFCollection.AUTHOR_KEY: '',
SigMFCollection.DESCRIPTION_KEY: 'Collection of two all zero files.',
SigMFCollection.VERSION_KEY: sigmf.__version__,
streams = collection.get_stream_names()
sigmf = [collection.get_SigMFFile(stream) for stream in streams]
The SigMF Collection and its associated Recordings can now be loaded like this:
from sigmf import sigmffile
collection = sigmffile.fromfile('example_zeros')
ci16_sigmffile = collection.get_SigMFFile(stream_name='example_ci16')
cf32_sigmffile = collection.get_SigMFFile(stream_name='example_cf32')
Load a SigMF Archive and slice its data without untaring it
Since an archive is merely a tarball (uncompressed), and since there any many
excellent tools for manipulating tar files, it's fairly straightforward to
access the data part of a SigMF archive without untaring it.
This is a compelling feature because 1) archives make it harder for the -data
and the -meta
to get separated, and 2) some datasets are so large that it can
be impractical (due to available disk space, or slow network speeds if the
archive file resides on a network file share) or simply obnoxious to untar it
In [1]: import sigmf
In [2]: arc = sigmf.SigMFArchiveReader('/src/LTE.sigmf')
In [3]: arc.shape
Out[3]: (15379532,)
In [4]: arc.ndim
Out[4]: 1
In [5]: arc[:10]
array([-20.+11.j, -21. -6.j, -17.-20.j, -13.-52.j, 0.-75.j, 22.-58.j,
48.-44.j, 49.-60.j, 31.-56.j, 23.-47.j], dtype=complex64)
The preceeding example exhibits another feature of this approach; the archive
is actually complex-int16
's on disk, for which there is no
corresponding type in numpy
However, the .sigmffile
member keeps track of this, and converts the data
to numpy.complex64
after slicing it, that is, after reading it from disk.
In [6]: arc.sigmffile.get_global_field(sigmf.SigMFFile.DATATYPE_KEY)
Out[6]: 'ci16_le'
In [7]: arc.sigmffile._memmap.dtype
Out[7]: dtype('int16')
In [8]: arc.sigmffile._return_type
Out[8]: '<c8'
Another supported mode is the case where you might have an archive that is not
on disk but instead is simply bytes
in a python variable.
Instead of needing to write this out to a temporary file before being able to
read it, this can be done "in mid air" or "without touching the ground (disk)".
In [1]: import sigmf, io
In [2]: sigmf_bytes = io.BytesIO(open('/src/LTE.sigmf', 'rb').read())
In [3]: arc = sigmf.SigMFArchiveReader(archive_buffer=sigmf_bytes)
In [4]: arc[:10]
array([-20.+11.j, -21. -6.j, -17.-20.j, -13.-52.j, 0.-75.j, 22.-58.j,
48.-44.j, 49.-60.j, 31.-56.j, 23.-47.j], dtype=complex64)
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this a GNU Radio effort?
No, this is not a GNU Radio-specific effort. It is hosted under the GNU Radio Github account because this effort first emerged from a group of GNU Radio core developers, but the goal of the project to provide a standard that will be useful to anyone and everyone, regardless of tool or workflow.
Is this specific to wireless communications?
No, similar to the response, above, the goal is to create something that is generally applicable to signal processing, regardless of whether or not the application is communications related.
It seems like some issues take a long time to resolve?
Yes, and in most cases this is by design. Since the goal of this project is create a broadly useful standards document, it is in our best interest to make sure we gather and consider as many opinions as possible, and produce the clearest and most exact language possible. This necessarily requires extreme attention to detail and diligence.