
Objc.dll Microsoft C++ Exception when using the DLL generated by MSVC

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Hi, I have created a DLL which is used by an application. I have created this DLL using the MSVC toolchain and my app is successfully able to load this DLL but for some reason its throwing an exception insider objc.dll

Exception thrown at 0x00007FFCFE843B6A (objc.dll) in xyz.exe: 0xE06D7363: Microsoft C++ Exception (parameters: 0x0000000019930520, 0x0000000007CDFC18, 0x0000000007CDFC20, 0x0000000007CDFC37).

Is there a way to find out what the exception is exactly?

Did you build all your DLLs using matching /MD or /MDd flags?

Otherwise you should be able to debug this by launching the exe in Visual Studio ("Open a project or solution"), and adding the C:\GNUstep\x64\Debug\bin to your symbol file locations in the VS settings, so it can find the .pdb files.