fatal: No url found for submodule path 'testapi/bin/cookbooks/testsamp'
Closed this issue · 4 comments
torgeman commented
Once I try to install go get github.com/go-chef/chef
I get:
fatal: No url found for submodule path 'testapi/bin/cookbooks/testsamp' in .gitmodules
package github.com/go-chef/chef: exit status 128
MarkGibbons commented
Thanks for the report. I'm working on reproducing the error.
MarkGibbons commented
Sorry about that. I missed an embedded .git in the embedded cookbook used as input to a test. go get worked for me with the latest version of go-chef/chef.
MarkGibbons commented
Please let me know if you have problems or this fix doesn't work. Cheers
torgeman commented
Looks good!