
Facing Issue in integration with graphite-web

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I am trying to integrate graphite-web using graphite-clickhouse. Is there any implementation doc for the same? I am facing issue in getting data in grafana using graphite-web.

Below is my system setup :
Container 1: Clickhouse
Container 2 : Graphite-web + carbon-clickhouse + graphite-clickhouse

I am Able to store data in clickhouse.

Hey. After graphite-web and gch are configured properly, it's very easy to set up the link between them. In Installation you can see, that you only need to set a proper CLUSTER_SERVERS parameter in local_settings.py.

I was trying with graphite-web 1.1.5, going to downgrade it to 1.1.0 and trying again. Are there any plans for providing support to graphite-web 1.1.5?

[2021-01-28T11:44:40.078Z] INFO [render] query {"request_id": "6657795895b616d6eca80ae5e2063062", "query": "SELECT Path FROM graphite_index WHERE ((Level=5) AND (Path IN ('hac-verma-1.collectd.apps-crinoid_0.cpu.user_ms','hac-verma-1.collectd.apps-crinoid_0.cpu.user_ms.'))) AND (Date >='2021-01-21' AND Date <= '2021-01-28') GROUP BY Path", "query_id": "6657795895b616d6eca80ae5e2063062::99751deb0da59d42", "time": 0.01721545}
[2021-01-28T11:44:40.078Z] INFO [render] finder {"request_id": "6657795895b616d6eca80ae5e2063062", "metrics": 1}
[2021-01-28T11:44:40.091Z] INFO [render] query {"request_id": "6657795895b616d6eca80ae5e2063062", "query": "SELECT Path, groupArray(Time), groupArray(Value), groupArray(Timestamp) FROM graphite_data PREWHERE Date >='2021-01-21' AND Date <= '2021-01-28' WHERE (Path in metrics_list) AND (Time >= 1611229480 AND Time <= 1611834299) GROUP BY Path FORMAT RowBinary", "query_id": "6657795895b616d6eca80ae5e2063062::8cb19311559d96ee", "time": 0.013052159}
[2021-01-28T11:44:40.091Z] DEBUG [render] parse {"request_id": "6657795895b616d6eca80ae5e2063062", "runtime": "1.817162ms", "runtime_ns": 0.001817162}
[2021-01-28T11:44:40.091Z] INFO [render] data {"request_id": "6657795895b616d6eca80ae5e2063062", "read_bytes": 0, "read_points": 0}
[2021-01-28T11:44:40.091Z] DEBUG [render] sort {"request_id": "6657795895b616d6eca80ae5e2063062", "runtime": "964ns", "runtime_ns": 0.000000964}
[2021-01-28T11:44:40.091Z] DEBUG [render] rollup {"request_id": "6657795895b616d6eca80ae5e2063062", "runtime": "708ns", "runtime_ns": 0.000000708}
[2021-01-28T11:44:40.091Z] DEBUG [render] pickle {"request_id": "6657795895b616d6eca80ae5e2063062", "runtime": "0s", "runtime_ns": 0}
[2021-01-28T11:44:40.091Z] DEBUG [render] reply {"request_id": "6657795895b616d6eca80ae5e2063062", "runtime": "221.661µs", "runtime_ns": 0.000221661}
[2021-01-28T11:44:40.091Z] INFO [http] access {"request_id": "6657795895b616d6eca80ae5e2063062", "time": 0.031077255, "method": "GET", "url": "/render/?format=pickle&local=1&noCache=1&from=1611229480&until=1611834280&target=hac-verma-1.collectd.apps-crinoid_0.cpu.user_ms&now=1611834280", "peer": "", "status": 200}

is (Path in metrics_list) which is coming in the log is correct as it should be metric list rather then string?
2021-01-28T11:44:40.091Z] INFO [render] query {"request_id": "6657795895b616d6eca80ae5e2063062", "query": "SELECT Path, groupArray(Time), groupArray(Value), groupArray(Timestamp) FROM graphite_data PREWHERE Date >='2021-01-21' AND Date <= '2021-01-28' WHERE (Path in metrics_list) AND (Time >= 1611229480 AND Time <= 1611834299) GROUP BY Path FORMAT RowBinary", "query_id": "6657795895b616d6eca80ae5e2063062::8cb19311559d96ee", "time": 0.013052159}

If I replace this metric_list with ['hac-verma-1.collectd.apps-crinoid_0.cpu.user_ms'] I am able to get data from clickhouse server.

How do I get this correct data in grafana UI?

Can you, please, run the latest master? And take a look on how to debug the query on https://github.com/lomik/graphite-clickhouse/blob/master/doc/debugging.md

Able to run it. Thanks for the help.