
Use of deprecated grpc Metadata FromContext and NewContext

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Was just looking through the grpc metadata docs the other day and noticed metadata.NewContext and metadata.FromContext have been deprecated. From grpc-metadata looks seems the new prefer way is to use FromIncomingContext and NewOutgoingContext respectively (granted there does look to be a bug in the doc where it still states NewContext in one place, the examples had it change).

I know that FromContext is used in grpc/service.go and NewContext in grpc/client.go.

This is definitely not a big thing at all, but wasn't sure if it had be brought to your attention yet or if there were any plans to replace those with FromIncomingContext and NewOutgoingContext. If there aren't and it's alright, can push up a quick change for that.

Please do!