
cannot install plugin on intellij eap 2017.2

paologentili opened this issue · 10 comments

https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/9568-go is available for 2017.2


These plugins are not going to be updated (at least by me)


For goglang plugin does not work in 2017.2.

Just repeated the comment by @zolotov:

https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/9568-go is available for 2017.2
This plugin is not going to be updated (at least by me)

I mean gogland plugin does not work in my idea 2017.2. I tied to install Go 172.3317-EAP-CANDIDATE-SNAPSHOT.20 and 172.3317.6.107 and it even does not recognize go files..

@pavolloffay likely something wrong with your settings, works fine for me. Please make sure that plugin is installed and enabled and check file types settings

As @pavolloffay said, after I download 172.3317-EAP-CANDIDATE-SNAPSHOT.20 and install, it shows as red in plugins and doesn't recognise go source code.
o autocompletion as well.

I think we didn't describe well, it is not the problem of "recognise go source code", it is that it Cannot determine module type ("GO_MODULE")

Are you using IntelliJ Community?

Yes that was the issue :/. new gogland works only in ultimate. It would be great to say it somewhere.

It would be great to say it somewhere.

@pavolloffay do you have a suggestion on the place where it should said?

At the moment, it is said in FAQ. Also, community editions are not listed in Compatible with part of plugin page.