
converting argument $1 type: uint64 values with high bit set are not supported

dvilaverde opened this issue · 1 comments

When attempting a query that requires an uint64, the driver fails with this error:

sql: converting argument $1 type: uint64 values with high bit set are not supported


conn, err := sql.Open("mysql", "root@")
defer conn.Close()

stmt, err := conn.Prepare("select a, b from tableA where uint64 = ?")
defer stmt.Close()

var val uint64 = math.MaxUint64
result, err := stmt.Query(val)

I don't see a way to use the https://pkg.go.dev/database/sql/driver#NamedValueChecker to allow for uint64 handling, or any custom Value types for that matter.

I've added PR #887 to address this issue.