
`goenv install` simply do nothing

SkYNewZ opened this issue · 5 comments

I'm trying to install an old Go version using goenv. I'm used to using this tool but nothing happens when I try to install a version.

❯ goenv --version
goenv 2.0.0beta11
❯ goenv install 1.14.15
❯ echo $?
❯ pwd
❯ ls -lah
total 0
drwxr-xr-x  2 qlemaire  staff    64B Sep  6 15:59 .
drwxr-xr-x  4 qlemaire  staff   128B Sep  6 15:59 ..

Weird; try using the latest stable version and see if that changes anything?

What OS are you using? It's odd that it's quietly exiting with no message and a 0 status

Sorry I should have checked earlier. It doesn't seem to work for this specific version:

❯ goenv install 1.19.2
Downloading go1.19.2.darwin-arm64.tar.gz...
-> go1.19.2.darwin-arm64.tar.gz
####################################################################################################################################### 100.0%
Installing Go Darwin arm 1.19.2...
Installed Go Darwin arm 1.19.2 to /Users/qlemaire/.goenv/versions/1.19.2

❯ goenv versions
* system (set by /Users/qlemaire/.goenv/version)
❯ goenv install 1.14.15
❯ echo $?
❯ goenv versions
* system (set by /Users/qlemaire/.goenv/version)

No worries! Got it; yeah, somewhere in 1.16.9 or 10 they added ARM support for Macs. I'd like to propose a change where one of the two things occur:

Short term:

Only list versions available to a user's Arch and OS and show an error if you select a version that isn't supported.

Long term:

Add gccgo as a sub dependency and prompt the user whether or not they want to compile from source, as that is the only long term solution currently available. Would need some time to tinker with automation and get the source compile cookbook just right.

@syndbg thoughts?

Sorry for disturbing, just miss click on the wrong button in a GitHub TUI...