👾 notes and resources on cryptography, cryptocurrencies, and cypherpunk living for the autistic cypherpunk anons out there
- 0xRakerabhc
- aleanosArlington, VA
- alexreyesInternet Friends, Inc. (YC S22)
- andrewpottengerMeta
- antx-code
- Butters3388214
- CorradoRossiWGMI Capital && PixelPunk Design
- cypherpunk-masterBuenos Aires
- dalakatt@mention
- darkknighttok@choicesgame
- eastshaman8888Tanjong Pagar
- fernandabackenddeveloperItaly
- gitwinst
- gotmyname2018
- helxszBrussels
- jeremyharrris
- lorezi@golang-friends @EddieHubCommunity @zero-to-mastery @bfree-africa @Robotics-Club-BMU
- midturUnited States
- mr-rohit
- mrrohit1
- MustCodeAlChicago, Illinois
- noob-Englealoness
- peng1027
- pierresimon-web3Berlin
- sadlikeyourdad
- seanbradleyBlogBlimp; Wolfskill; Concert Talent
- shiva-karan-k
- shunkakinoki@LightDotSo
- sneg55@defiprime
- TenviLi@bilibili
- TheTexasFarmerConsensys
- tomangistalisLondon, UK
- villen5
- vivekpatil94
- Wo0dy
- xBruceTheGoose@DappGoose-Labs