
v8.0.7 / v10.8.0 #23502 error with `pg:",notnull"` annotation.

rive-n opened this issue · 1 comments

type ms_backend_customuser struct {
	tableName struct{}		`sql:"ms_backend_customuser"`
	Id			int64
	password	string 		`pg:",notnull"`
	lastLog		time.Time
	createdAt	time.Time
	modifiedAt	time.Time
	Email		string		`pg:",notnull"`
	firstName	string		`pg:",notnull"`
	lastName	string		`pg:",notnull"`
	suRights	bool
	admin		bool
	active		bool

This is struct that implemets my database table. So, I just want to Insert some values here, like:

func handleRegister(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request, db *pg.DB) {
	switch request.Method {
	case "POST":
		user := &ms_backend_customuser{
		Email: request.FormValue("email"),
		password: request.FormValue("password"),
		var mail string
		if err := db.Model(user).Column("email").Where("email = ?", user.Email).Select(&mail); err ==  pg.ErrNoRows {
			// TODO: flash message
			if err := user.createHash(); err != nil {
				http.Error(response, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
			log.Println(user.Email, user.password)
			if _, err := db.Model(user).Insert(); err != nil {
			} else {
				log.Println("User successfully registered!\n", user.Email, user.password)
		} else {
	case "GET":
		_, _ = response.Write([]byte("Method not allowed"))
	renderTemplate(response, request, "register.html", "")

So, if you can see - not null and other annotations are not working.
This is output of all my methods:
riven1@riven.com pbkdf2_sha256$216000$/mbHQRbzkBfc04JE$9jY/jfLHsi/4XbCK4LJtmsky0GuS/aw03QXxvNkXvmE=

So nothing is wrong on my side i guess. I tryed to find something about #23502, but the only thing is about changing annotations. Probably, that did not help.

Full error:
ОШИБКА #23502 значение NULL в столбце "password" отношения "ms_backend_customuser" нарушает ограничение NOT NULL

Well, problem was in all other annotations, PK and private sections of struct:

  • - [ PK ]
  • - [ Capturing all requests in RAW format ]
  • - [ Resolving problem with private struct sections in go ]

  • private in golang. Pretty nice description.
  • PK. If in your DB PK is stored like this:
    id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('ms_backend_customuser_id_seq'::regclass), you should remove ID from your struct.
  • The DELETED part of go-pg DOC: how to create row sql parser from ORM queries:
    This solution "forked" from here: #1366
  1. Create empty structure like this:
    type dbLogger struct{}
  2. Create this 2 methods from sources like this:
func (d dbLogger) BeforeQuery(c context.Context, q *pg.QueryEvent) (context.Context, error) {
	return c, nil

func (d dbLogger) AfterQuery(c context.Context, q *pg.QueryEvent) error {
	fq, _ := q.FormattedQuery()
	return nil

Horray! Now you should see every request to your Database!