
Relation function generated wrong sql statement after WrapWith

woolen-sheep opened this issue · 1 comments

Relation function generated wrong sql statement after WrapWith.
I wrote code like this:

	err := m.tx.Model((*Resume)(nil)).
		ColumnExpr("json_agg(tags) as tags, resume.*").
		Where("resume.period_id = ?", period).
		Join("JOIN tags ON resume.id = tags.resume_id").
		Where("turn.group_id = ?", group).

Expected Behavior

I want to get something like this:

WITH "resume" AS (SELECT json_agg(tags) as tags, resume.* FROM "resumes" AS "resume" JOIN tags ON resume.id = tags.resume_id WHERE (resume.period_id = 14) GROUP BY "resume"."id" ORDER BY "create_time") SELECT resume.*, "turn"."id" AS "turn__id", "turn"."name" AS "turn__name", "turn"."period_id" AS "turn__period_id", "turn"."group_id" AS "turn__group_id", "turn"."current" AS "turn__current", "turn"."status" AS "turn__status", "turn"."passed_message" AS "turn__passed_message", "turn"."not_passed_message" AS "turn__not_passed_message" FROM "resume" LEFT JOIN "turns" AS "turn" ON "turn"."id" = "resume"."turn_id" WHERE (turn.group_id = 17)

Current Behavior

go-pg generated sql statment below:

WITH "resume" AS (SELECT json_agg(tags) as tags, resume.*, "turn"."id" AS "turn__id", "turn"."name" AS "turn__name", "turn"."period_id" AS "turn__period_id", "turn"."group_id" AS "turn__group_id", "turn"."current" AS "turn__current", "turn"."status" AS "turn__status", "turn"."passed_message" AS "turn__passed_message", "turn"."not_passed_message" AS "turn__not_passed_message" FROM "resumes" AS "resume" LEFT JOIN "turns" AS "turn" ON "turn"."id" = "resume"."turn_id" JOIN tags ON resume.id = tags.resume_id WHERE (resume.period_id = 14) GROUP BY "resume"."id" ORDER BY "create_time") SELECT *, "turn"."id" AS "turn__id", "turn"."name" AS "turn__name", "turn"."period_id" AS "turn__period_id", "turn"."group_id" AS "turn__group_id", "turn"."current" AS "turn__current", "turn"."status" AS "turn__status", "turn"."passed_message" AS "turn__passed_message", "turn"."not_passed_message" AS "turn__not_passed_message" FROM "resume" LEFT JOIN "turns" AS "turn" ON "turn"."id" = "resume"."turn_id" WHERE (turn.group_id = 17)

And it cause ERROR #42803 column "turn.id" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function because
turn.id has different values.

Possible Solution

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Query on a table tableA with .Group() and tableA has a foreign key towards tableB
  2. Wrap result in 1 as a table newTable
  3. Call .Relation("tableB") on the new table

Context (Environment)

Detailed Description

I want Relation function only select in the new table, DO NOT add those columns to the select statement in the wrapped table.

Possible Implementation

It looks like if you add Column("_") to your query before the ColumnExpr("json_agg(tags) as tags, resume.*"). it should fix it.