
review tests on Windows

christian-korneck opened this issue · 2 comments

some tests aren't working on Windows, probably never have.

Hi @christian-korneck,

I found 3 issues when running test ong windows. But I'm not sure whether it's a environment or os specific for the first two issues.

  1. getvalue method can't be found on windows

    result := stdout.CallMethodArgs("getvalue")

  2. I got a PyExc_KeyboardInterrupt which don't match PyExc_TypeError.

    assert.True(t, PyErr_GivenExceptionMatches(exc, PyExc_TypeError))

  3. File path is diffrent. This issue can be fixed by trim "/"

    assert.True(t, strings.HasSuffix(filename, "/queue.py"))

thanks, would love to see PRs to fix these.