
Unable to import library in project

Julusian opened this issue · 4 comments

When I attempt to go get the library

$ go get gopkg.in/go-redis/rate.v5
package gopkg.in/go-redis/rate.v5: unrecognized import path "gopkg.in/go-redis/rate.v5" (parse https://gopkg.in/go-redis/rate.v5?go-get=1: no go-import meta tags)

If I clone via the github url and attempt to use the library I get:

code in directory /go/src/github.com/go-redis/redis_rate expects import "gopkg.in/go-redis/rate.v5"

So as far as I can tell it is not currently possible to import and use this library

Library was renamed from rate.v5 to redis_rate.v5 to avoid confusing with time/rate. Also gopkg.in support is removed in v6 and you should import github.com/go-redis/redis_rate.

Oh ok. I didnt see that there was a v6. I shall use that instead then.

However, v5 is still not importable with that updated url. Might impact anyone who needs to stay with that version

$ go get gopkg.in/go-redis/redis_rate.v5
package gopkg.in/go-redis/redis_rate.v5: unrecognized import path "gopkg.in/go-redis/redis_rate.v5" (parse https://gopkg.in/go-redis/redis_rate.v5?go-get=1: no go-import meta tags)

I am not sure, but it looks like gopkg.in does not like underscore in the name...

Yeah, looks like it is considered a bad name for package name - niemeyer/gopkg#41.