
New Android Client App for go-shiori/shiori

DesarrolloAntonio opened this issue ยท 10 comments

Hello go-shiori team!

I'm an Android/iOS app developer. I wanted to let you know that I have created a client app for go-shiori in my free time, and it's now available on the Play Store.

I thought it would be great to have a mobile version of go-shiori, so I got to work on it. My plan is to release the source code soon.

Here's the link to the Play Store for you to check it out:

Would really appreciate your feedback or suggestions for improvements. Looking forward to your thoughts!

Best regards,

Thanks for your help.
Is it possible to release that on f-droid too?

I try this for server but I get server not found ( I can acsses on web browser)

Update2: if i not use http or https in server field app will show me invalid url but app not block me to login. when i try to login i get an Error contain of a 404 webpage html source code

Update3: last version on master branch

Update4: i test that on stable release and finally i can login. @fmartingr refactor most of API recently.
there are some feedback for my first try. i wish we can solve them on feature

  1. app does not show readable version of bookmarks
  2. for each time you use the app you should connect to the server so user can't access content or read them if not connect to server. maybe some kind of offline mode needed.
  3. Do not show thumbnail in application
  4. RTL text not showing in right direction.
  5. edit option limit to tag right now.
  6. accesses to epub not available right now.
  7. have an option in share manu for PageKeeper can be nice.
  8. batch edit, delete, etc... can be helpful.
  9. UI is nice. i like the simplicity of PageKeeper UI ๐Ÿ‘

thanks. awesome we can finally have an app for shiori โค๏ธ

Very cool! I will try the application when the source code is available.

Does the application support HTTP Basic Auth?

Thank you for the feedback. I will try to implement those suggestions as soon as I can.

I have released a new version 1.02:

  • Bug fixes
  • Now it first loads from cache and then updates in the background if there is new content

thank you ๐Ÿ‘
i test that and two bug solved.

  • now block user to login if server url is invalid
  • user can accesses to the content in offline mode

It can be useful if you can create a list of bugs (or better yet, release source code so we can track and report bugs more easily).

I noticed two new bug:

  1. app theme not follow system them automatically. if you active dark mode in android than open app for first time PageKeeper open in light mode.
    It can be good if we have 3 option (default Follow System Settings)

    • Follow system settings
    • Light Mode
    • Dark Mode
  2. if you in offline mode and try to remove a bookmark you will get error and back to login page
    it can be better that it remove from bookmark list in app and if it can't connect to the server keep it in the Queue . next time user connect and has accesses to the server send that delete (or edit or anything else) request to the server.
    (maybe an undo option if app not send request yet)

do i missing any other Bug fixes?

Hey Antonio, I don't use an Android phone as primary but unshelved my old One Plus just to install and check this out, looking good!

Are you aware of the API rework going on? Some of the API endpoints are going to change over time and the new API will be documented following the OpenAPI spec. From 1.6.0 forward you will have a /system/liveness endpoint that will contain the version of the server, that will be useful to deal with the new API routes.

If you have any questions or suggestions for the API as a consumer let me know.

Leaving this as an issue to add a section in the usage with community clients.

Hey Antonio, I don't use an Android phone as primary but unshelved my old One Plus just to install and check this out, looking good!

Are you aware of the API rework going on? Some of the API endpoints are going to change over time and the new API will be documented following the OpenAPI spec. From 1.6.0 forward you will have a /system/liveness endpoint that will contain the version of the server, that will be useful to deal with the new API routes.

If you have any questions or suggestions for the API as a consumer let me know.

Leaving this as an issue to add a section in the usage with community clients.

Yes, I plan to update the API as soon as I can.

when i try to share a link with it, then it only works when i recently logged in.

It might nice if the app checks if session expired and logs in and then then submits the URL to shiori since currently it just shows a spinning wheel which stops after a while but nothing happens (if the session expired)

when i try to share a link with it, then it only works when i recently logged in.

It might nice if the app checks if session expired and logs in and then then submits the URL to shiori since currently it just shows a spinning wheel which stops after a while but nothing happens (if the session expired)

You're right, I will fix the bug.