
Implementing Cache Update Feature in Android Client

DesarrolloAntonio opened this issue · 1 comments


I am currently developing a feature for updating the cache from an Android client in my app. I would appreciate some guidance on how to handle the API connections for implementing this feature. Specifically, I am looking for information on:

  • The relevant API endpoints that should be used for cache management.
  • Any specific request parameters required for these API calls.


in shiori v1.6 you can see that in
in general you should send a request to the


with something like this

  "create_archive": true,
  "create_ebook": true,
  "ids": [
  "keep_metadata": true,
  "skip_exist": true

ids of bookmark you can request one id bookmark or multiple bookmark in batch mode.
if skip_exist be true ebook will not update if ebook file exist on server and just create ebook for bookmark that don't have ebook. (useful when you just want request download ebook in batch mode)