
No web interface on Shiori 1.6.0 RC 6

domasofan opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi all,

Seems there are some files missing in the executable.
Because the web interface seems not to come up.

Here's the log:

$ shiori server --portable

time="2024-01-26T19:42:47+01:00" level=warning msg="SHIORI_HTTP_SECRET_KEY is not set, using random value. This means th
at all sessions will be invalidated on server restart."
time="2024-01-26T19:42:48+01:00" level=info msg="Starting Shiori v1.6.0-rc.6"
time="2024-01-26T19:42:48+01:00" level=info msg="starting http server" addr=":8080"
time="2024-01-26T19:43:13+01:00" level=error msg="requested frontend file not found" error="open assets\css\style.css:
file does not exist" path=/css/style.css
time="2024-01-26T19:43:13+01:00" level=error msg="requested frontend file not found" error="open assets\js\vue.min.js:
file does not exist" path=/js/vue.min.js
time="2024-01-26T19:43:13+01:00" level=error msg="requested frontend file not found" error="open assets\js\url.min.js:
file does not exist" path=/js/url.min.js
time="2024-01-26T19:43:13+01:00" level=error msg="requested frontend file not found" error="open assets\js\page\base.
js: file does not exist" path=/js/page/base.js
time="2024-01-26T19:43:13+01:00" level=error msg="requested frontend file not found" error="open assets\js\page\home.
js: file does not exist" path=/js/page/home.js
time="2024-01-26T19:43:13+01:00" level=error msg="requested frontend file not found" error="open assets\js\page\setti
ng.js: file does not exist" path=/js/page/setting.js
time="2024-01-26T19:43:13+01:00" level=error msg="requested frontend file not found" error="open assets\js\component\
dialog.js: file does not exist" path=/js/component/dialog.js
time="2024-01-26T19:43:13+01:00" level=error msg="requested frontend file not found" error="open assets\res\favicon-16
x16.png: file does not exist" path=/res/favicon-16x16.png
time="2024-01-26T19:43:13+01:00" level=error msg="requested frontend file not found" error="open assets\res\apple-touc
h-icon-152x152.png: file does not exist" path=/res/apple-touch-icon-152x152.png

Which operating system are you running this on? Where did you get the executable, from the releases page?

I got it from the releases page.
I am running Windows 10.

I test that on windows and Linux.
Just happen in windows.

@domasofan Thanks . we improve unit tests in Shiori because of this bug report 👍
Thank you @fmartingr too for lots of help.

Please check if v1.6.0-rc.7 fixes the issue for you: https://github.com/go-shiori/shiori/releases/tag/v1.6.0-rc.7

Hi all,

1.6.0 RC 7 works now on Windows.
Thanks for fixing.