
Check invalid fields before passing off to PowerShell

shful opened this issue · 6 comments

shful commented

The main example code

func main() {
    notification := toast.Notification{
        AppID: "Example App",
        Title: "My notification",
        Message: "Some message about how important something is...",
        Icon: "go.png",
        Actions: []toast.Action{
            {"protocol", "I'm a button", ""},
            {"protocol", "Me too!", ""},
    err := notification.Push()
    if err != nil {

works very different from the example screenshots. Tested with both Win10x64 and Win10x32.
Only the "Example App" is shown, and a kind of "you have a new notification" message.

Title, Message and Buttons are missing.

bildschirmfoto 2017-02-14 um 14 26 38

Hi @shful, thanks for filing this issue. Would you be able to give me just a little more information;

  • Are you using the CLI, or programmatically?
    • If programmatically, does the CLI work for you as intended? Or is that not working either?
  • Which branch/pkg are you importing into your project? (master or gopkg)
  • What version of Windows 10 are you running?

Also, could you provide the code you're trying to run, which isn't working correctly? I've run into issues in the past where some UTF-16 characters I've used cause the buttons to not show up.

shful commented

Hi Jacob, the example run programmatically; it is exactly the code from here: https://github.com/go-toast/toast#example . Toast was obtained with go get gopkg.in/toast.v1

To compare, I cloned the current master (Commit a15160) and it made no difference.
My Windows installation is Windows 10.0.14393 Pro (i.e. with latest updates)

Concerning the encoding: I see that in %TEMP%, a .ps1 file appears which is UTF-8 with Unix line endings.
I don't know which encoding Microsoft .ps1 files require. I tested with non-ASCII ("ä", which is two bytes in UTF-8) in the appId. This is displayed wrong (as two chars) by windows.

Thank you @shful, I will get back to you shortly.

Edit: You picked a perfect week to file this issue, as my Mac is in for repair, and I'm having to use my PC at the moment. Haha.

I have been able to replicate the issue. Crazy that it has all of a sudden stopped working - I'm thinking there must have been a breaking change to the API (which I find unlikely). I am looking further into the issue. I appreciate you making me aware of this, seeing as no changes have been made to this codebase in some time.

Sorry @shful, it's been awhile since I've been in this repo. I thought it was an issue in the library, however the example is not really that useful, as it doesn't explain that the "go.png" image needs to be available on disk. It seems like Microsoft decided that this API was not going to throw a hissy fit when arguments are passed to it which are invalid.

In order to mitigate this from ever happening again, I will file another issue to ensure that the library does some checks (which should really be done in the notification API, to be honest), and throw an error prematurely, to prevent being running into this issue themselves.

Because this will be a breaking change, I may include this in a future release. I would not like to break people's apps due to this addition.

Thanks again, @shful, I hope this all makes sense.

Edit: For the meantime, I will update the example so hopefully people don't run into the same issue.

shful commented

Hello Jacob,
Indeed, it is sufficient to not initialize the Icon:

func main() {
    notification := toast.Notification{
        AppID: "Example App",
        Title: "My notification",
        Message: "Some message about how important something is...",
        Actions: []toast.Action{
            {"protocol", "I'm a button", ""},
            {"protocol", "Me too!", ""},

and it works.
Initially, I indeed considered to test the image thing, but that seemed a very unlikely reason ;-)