API call for attachment download => "missing, malformed, expired or otherwise invalid token provided"
ozuzo opened this issue · 7 comments
I think I've assigned all roles to an API token in Vikunja, and are able to extract projects, tasks, etc from the API. But when trying to recreate download links for attachments, I get
[message] => missing, malformed, expired or otherwise invalid token provided
for the /tasks/XX/attachments/YY
call, instead of the contents of the attachment
Are tokens supposed to work for this call as well?
Vikunja Frontend Version
Vikunja API Version
Browser and version
Can you reproduce the bug on the Vikunja demo site?
No response
Looks like attachment upload and download are not included in the available token scopes.
Thanks - this seems to work now in my reporting tool :-)
I'm a little curious, how are you using the api?
I'm running Vikunja to support a small group of not-very-technical board members of a committee - so we have a central location for ongoing tasks, keeping track of related documents etc (in the past this was usually done only in the minutes of meetings, quite ineffecient). Two issues: te GUI is for some of them already a bit challenging, and it was a bit difficult tracking any changes since our last board meeting (specifically: added comments).
So I've written a small PHP script to generate an overview of all open tasks, with all comments and attachments, highlighting any comments made within the last four weeks (the usual interval between meetings). That way we have a nice summary of what to discuss, and everybody can easily prepare...
Very nice, thanks for the insight!