
Saved filters are not updated when tasks are updated

mvalois opened this issue · 6 comments


When creating a saved filter to get tasks for a given user, shown tasks are not updated until we edit their description. For instance, when removing the assignee from the task, it still appears in the list of the saved filter.

Vikunja Version


Browser and version

Firefox last version, reproducible using debian desktop client

Can you reproduce the bug on the Vikunja demo site?



No response

Please upgrade your instance to 0.23.0 or the last unstable build. 0.22.1 is not supported anymore.

Even after upgrading both the server and client to 0.23.0 the issue still appears.

Does it work with the latest unstable build? (make a backup before upgrading!) Are you using Typesense?

yes we are using typesense.