
Cannot run the command: gold: error: cannot open ./...: No such file or directory

pacoorozco opened this issue · 2 comments


I've followed the documentation to obtain gold using go get but once I try to run it I getting some errors:

$ export GO111MODULE=on
$ gold std  
gold: error: cannot open std: No such file or directory
$ gold ./...    
gold: error: cannot open ./...: No such file or directory
$ go version    
go version go1.14.7 linux/amd64

I'm trying to see documentation of this package, v2 branch.

Can you help me?

Could you show the result of which gold and gold -h?
It looks there is another gold program installed in your machine.
If this is true, you can install Gold as other names suggested in the readme file.

You were totally right! Another gold command was colliding. Thanks!