
Message type in RTCMClient

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Dear Colleagues,

I am using goGPS and trying to read messages type 1015,1016,1017 from RTCM 3 mountpoint.

However I am only receiving messages type 1004,1012, 1019, 1020 and other even though the mountpoint is setup to send message types state above.

In RTCMClient.java there is condition

if (c == 211) { // header

Which is used to determine the start of message (header).

Can you please tell me why is character code 211 being used for this condition and does is apply also to the messages I am trying to read ?

Do you have any idea how to catch these messages ?

Any suggestion / advised would be helpful

Thanks in advance

Can't help, haven't used RTCM yet. But I'm glad to see someone else using goGPS/Java!
Pinging @ege010 @nro2dai


the first byte in any RTCM message should be equal to 211. In the RTCM3
documentation it is reported that the transport layer starts with the
preamble 11010011


ans =


As for catching messages 1015, 1016, 1017, it would be needed to write
parsers for those messages and add them to org.gogpsproject.parser.rtcm3,
then call them from RTCM3Client.java. In fact, at the moment goGPS Java has
parsers only for messages 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008 and 1012

As an alternative, you could use goGPS MATLAB, that has all the RTCM3
messages you need already implemented:

In case you could also use goGPS MATLAB files just as a reference to
implement the Java ones.


P.S. I'm going to be out of office from tomorrow to June 12, so in case I
will catch up with the discussion in the second half of June (unless I
manage to read work emails before then ;) )

Thanks So much, I am decoding , perfect

Thanks to you for using goGPS!