
Position validation of UBX files?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I have a few ubx rawx files, but some of them seem not to work with goGPS, even after your recommendations (#27). The result is:
"Valid LS position? false Coord ECEF: X:0.0 Y:0.0 Z:0.0
ENU: E:0.0 N:0.0 U:0.0
GEOD: Lon:0.0 Lat:0.0 H:0.0"
I thought that some of them may be too short, but now I see that's not the case. I tried to parse and compare satellite data from different files with my own C# app, but I cannot see what is causing the problem. What makes a position valid? Can you identify any problems with these files?
I'm attaching a file that processes successfully and one that fails.


hi @MartaBanach ,

see i32() in https://github.com/goGPS-Project/goGPS_Java/blob/master/src/test/java/com/github/Issues.java

I can only run it in Standalone mode.
Am I missing some other files?

I've also run those three files in Standalone Mode and got exactly the same result – an empty kml file without any position. Still haven’t discovered why these files are not working.

Hi again @MartaBanach

apologies, I think the problem was once again that producers run in different threads, so we have to wait for them to finish at the end.

        GoGPS goGPS = new GoGPS(navigationIn, roverIn );
        RoverPosition roverPos = goGPS

Also I had introduced a little problem yesterday that hopefully is now fixed.
Please check out the latest code and see files in attachment

Thank you once again for your help.