
Set up goGPS_java to real-time porecessing (ublox serial port input data)

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hello, I am not at all familiar with eclipse IDE and java projects but I would like to know if there is somewhere a tutorial on how to configure this version to do real-time processing.
because in the wiki if I understood correctly it is configuration to do post processing only.

Thank's for your help and have a good day.

When you mentioned "real time processing" I think you meant to ask whether goGPS_java was fast enough to process observations in real time. Yes, that's the case. But now I think you're asking whether it can talk to hardware via serial port. The answer is again yes, there are some examples in this folder: https://github.com/goGPS-Project/goGPS_Java/tree/master/src/main/java/org/gogpsproject/apps

oh yes I had tried to launch some of them by having my GPS receiver connected but it did not work.
So i presume that I would have to adjust the various parameters manually in the .jav files (the port name for exemple)?

Otherwise, does the java_fx directory contain some kind of GUI for goGPS_java?

oh yes I had tried to launch some of them by having my GPS receiver connected but it did not work.

if you could capture some logs, we could provide some hints on why it didn't work

So i presume that I would have to adjust the various parameters manually in the .jav files (the port name for exemple)?
you'll have to input serial port parameters for a start

Otherwise, does the java_fx directory contain some kind of GUI for goGPS_java?

it's a very old project, I would be surprised if it still works but please feel free to try!