
Not applying ARP height correction in parallel target initialization mode

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello! I'm processing several days and stations GPS data with goGPS.
The software seems to apply the ARP (Antena Reference Point that comes in the RINEX file) correction correctly when executed without parallel initialization. Same if parallel session initialization is done (PAR S* FOR T*).
However, when parallel receiver or target initialization is used (FOR S* PAR T*), the ARP correction is only applied to the first processed day!
I join a planar-up result generated by the software for a receiver (receiver ARAC, with ARP = 0.0771m = 77.1mm) with single initialization, parallel session initialization and parallel receiver (target) initialization. Any idea of how could this be interfering with the processing? Thank you! Leire.

No pinit:

Session pinit:

Target pinit:

Thank you very much for this very important bug report - I'll work on it as soon as I can.
I have a ton of updates / bug fixes to push on the repo, but I still need to finish the merge of the corrections coming from our internal software.