
unable to run goGPS_v0.4.3 in matlab2018b

Closed this issue · 4 comments

goGPS GUI initialization completed in 30.70 seconds
Error using exist
The first input to exist must be a string scalar or character vector.

Error in goGUIclass/updateLEDstate (line 2168)
if exist([data_path file_name],'file')

Error in goGUIclass/checkUIdependencies (line 1914)

Error in goGUIclass/updateGUI (line 1369)

Error in goGUIclass/browseINIFile (line 2338)

Error in goGUIclass/syncFromGUI (line 2035)

Error in gui_goGPS>bINI_Callback (line 359)

Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95)

Error in gui_goGPS (line 64)
gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});

Error in

Error using uiwait (line 81)
Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.

Please helpme running goGPS.....it is failing with the above errors. I tried using clearBranch.m too. But no use

Dear @LakshmiCBR clearBranch have been created to clear variables and singleton classes of the new goGPS. The very old 0.4.3 version (legacy) is basically a different software with respect to goGPS 1.0. I can support only the latest 1.0 beta version. If you don’t need Kalmann Filter or dynamic processing I suggest you to use the latest version of goGPS.
Andrea Gatti

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Did you saved the CRD file? Have you tried to open it, does it contains coordinates?

One month old problem with no answer, I cannot reproduce the bug, thus I'm closing the issue. Please reopen it if you can provide additional informations.