
problem in launching goGPS from crontab

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I'm using goGPS to calculate ZTD from a small GNSS receivers network. I wrote a python script as I want to calculate ZTD every day automatically. This python script, and goGPS are in an Ubuntu server 18.04. As I manually excecute my script everything is fine and goGPS can finish the elaboration. The problems come when I run the script (and so also goGPS from crontab). I can't actually understand the problem but it seems that aria2c is not able to download all necessary files when it's run from crontab. I don't understand the reason why? Any ideas?

The line in the /etc/crontab file is the following:

34 17 * * * gter /usr/bin/python3 /home/gter/REPOSITORY/concerteaux/concerteaux_gnss/elabora_dati_gnss.py > /tmp/elaborazione_dati_gnss_ce.log 2>&1

The goGPS version is the v 1.0b8 and the Matlab version is the R2020a
In the elabora_dati_gnss.py script, apart from other commands, the command goGPS( inifile',0) is launched.
I attach the logs of the elaborations from crontab and from comand line.

Replied by email.

If useful the problem is clear. Running the software from crontab "aria2c" command line application doesn't work properly.

   aria2c -c -i ./reserved/tmpAriaDownload.lst -d /home/gter/REPOSITORY/goGPS_MATLAB_git/data/satellite/EPH/2151
   File download list:

04/02 17:47:10 [�[1;32mNOTICE�[0m] Downloading 2 item(s)
gzip: /home/gter/REPOSITORY/goGPS_MATLAB_git/data/satellite/EPH/2151/COD21511.EPH_M.Z: No such file or directory

I hope it can be useful for your developement!