
about “Music swapper”

papapachin opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello, I'm a modder making skill effects mods. Sometimes I also need to make some SFX.

Recently, I wanted to import external SFX into the game. After finding many methods, I used the ogg2scd converter in the "music wrapper" of explorer.

However, there is also a problem, that is, the SCD generated by this method has a data type of Ogg. Perhaps for this reason, these scd files is regarded as "BGM" in the game rather than sound effect. (for example, if I turn off BGM in the system settings, such sound effects will be turned off at the same time)

I see the data type of most sound effects is "MS-ADPCM".

Therefore, is it possible to add a "MS-ADPCM2scd converter" function?

Or do you know is there any reason for this problem?

thanks a lot!

Leaving this here in case somebody stumbles on this during their own search.
But, a new dedicated sound converter does in fact exist for MS-ADPCM files now!

Thanks for the note here. I think I will pin this issue. I've removed the music swapper and the file injector in the latest version, I hope it doesn't sting too much. But in reality, those tools are woefully unsupported, old, and can damage your game really easily. I don't know if there is a tool to do so, but I do recommend using Penumbra for loading these kinds of mods.