
Multi-monitor mode and Windows UI Scaling issues

Ivinedra opened this issue · 1 comments

When using Dalamud in multi-windowed mode with two monitors that are set to different scales in windows - the Dalamud GUI windows will not drag onto the second monitor.

My display settings:

Monitor 1 (game): 3890 x 2160 at 150% scale
Monitor 2 (support): 1920 x 1080 at 100% scale

Issue persists without plugins or 3rd party repos loaded.
Currently on release branch.

Reading into imgui's FAQ a bit to try and tackle this. Seems that the information in the FAQ, the "Q&A: Fonts, Text" section's first question - "How should I handle DPI in my application" may address this. I'll start looking at Dalamud's imgui implementation to see if I can make sense of it.