
OTP bug

GrumphyBear opened this issue · 2 comments

Update disclaimer

  • Yes, I have checked and my issue is not related to the game updating and plugins not working correctly.

What did you do?

  • open FFxivlauncher.
  • username
  • password
  • enter
  • type in token key
  • launcher fails and claims time is not match
  • enix real launcher work just fine with token, conclusion, this is broken for some reason, since daylight saving got into effect in EU.



Wine/Proton runner version

No response

Relevant log output

No response

The wording about checking time is specific to your OTP device (often your phone, but this can be a desktop application or other hardware device).

It doesn't have anything to do with Daylight savings. OTP codes are generated from UTC. Europe returned to their standard time a week ago. North America did their counterpart today.

To copy what I also replied to your post in the discord with...

XIVLauncher must go to the same login server and handle authorization in the exact same way as official. Otherwise it would never work.

You've either

  • saved an invalid password
  • need to resave your password if you recently changed it (you can use the account switch to delete old/bad entries too)
  • have not selected the correct options for your account (Steam Service, OTP, Free Trial on Steam mode, etc)

XIVLauncher is just relaying the login result return from the official launcher server.

@GrumphyBear Are you using Google's Authenticator app? I have been having the same issues and it seems to be some sort of bug where the authenticator does not show the correct codes when you first bring it up. Usually waiting until the next code generates and then trying it allows me to login.