
Created ship reverts to Radiant pillar

BingoFuel5X5 opened this issue · 5 comments

So I finally can make that damn fighter I was never able to find in the wild and after switching all my tech to the new ship using edit and deleting my old fighter, the next render changes the ship skin. I noticed the ship name in the field is listed as "fighter 9" and not the default ship name generated by the game. Anyone else having this trouble? PC

There is an issue with exported and imported custom built ships.

You will need to fix your save file using the JSON editor

Oh god. Sounds extra computery. I had to google what that is and I'm still not sure. I didn't import anything, I just built the ship in game at the constructor. Dammit Jim, I'm a mechanic not a coder. I could probably still do some DOS 6.22. Does that help?

Is my save file hosed now? I'll just do a system restore and avoid the currently lame builder for now. I dropped out of my QBASIC class because coding is not my jam. I can set the timing on your car blindfolded, though. :)

People who have this problem who came here from google: (Who aren't slick with the programming) Turn off Steam cloud save. Restore your save from backup or system restore point, I managed to get my original ship back. You can build ships just fine, you just can't edit them. I *believe it's because created ships don't use a seed. Back to ship hunting the old fashioned pita way.. :(