
Save editor UI busted severely. Desperately needs overhaul.

Slelsul opened this issue · 30 comments

The SE UI is broken. It has been this way for months. I was hoping an update would fix it but this is beyond severe. It happens with all 3 versions available. The issue is immediate and persistent. Reinstalling does nothing. I have Java. Your save editor was busted the last time I used it years ago as well. You can't or won't fix it so overhaul it entirely because your app is shit and hardly usable. I can not be patient with it anymore so here is the screenshots.

Screenshot 2024-06-18 020509
Screenshot 2024-06-18 020540

It is impossible to see anything when the UI duplicates and overlays itself inside the window. The entirety of the app is broken with other issues as well but the UI breakage is catastrophic for usability. It genuinely makes even attempting to use the app actually physically impossible. Can't click on what is not there.

It was already happening months ago when I installed it and the idea is frustrating that this may have been an issue for a while.

I find it difficult to believe I am the only human on the planet with this issue having said something. The issue is so significant that there should have genuinely been people raging on the doorstep of your email for months.

Also app refuses to update my save properly. It is picking and choosing what it saves this update. The update actually broke it more somehow. I have no idea but I was able to edit the save a bit more than a week or two ago. Now it just won't apply the edit to the save even after a proper save/load. The in game save updates the time but not the edit.

For now my only choice may be Cheat Engine or something. I hope you can fix these things. Your app is legit effectively is as good as obsolete and is more issue than help.

It is official. Your app can't be used. I am so close to chucking my only laptop against a wall from the rage of how impossible your app it to use. It is so broken I do not even want you to fix it anymore. Just take it down and never write again please. I can feel the blood in my head now. Christ this app is severe. I remember now why I stopped using it. It broke my creative save years ago when I was mucking about with my freighter. It just stays broke. I am sorry but this made me very upset.

It is sever when it is genuinely faster and better to just play the save normally than to fill it in with the editor. That is so boring. That is also why I dropped the game to start with it seems. Game play loop is a little slow sometimes and the only app that does it all is not even functional anymore. I complain a lot when something upsets me.

Slelsul, understand you are frustrated but the problem is not the app. I'm running the latest (and past versions) on my 2 laptops (Windows 10 and Windows 11) and have NO ISSUES running the app. I can edit my saves with no issues and all changes I perform are applied without problems. Please check if you have the latest updates installed on your computer including the latest Java version. Then if problem persist... check your computer graphic drivers.

You need to calm down and not come here ranting (and disrespecting the developer) just because you have an issue. The developer has always been diligent and hears suggestions from users (been using the app almost 5 years now) and always deliver.

General comment:
Yes, sometimes you see users writing and asking for stuff like they deserve it or if they are paying for it but... that's the world we're living now. The app is free and nobody here is forced to use it. You want to use the app... you're responsible for the mess you do on your save. And don't write stuff here like the problem is the app asking the developer to solve your mess. If you don't keep a backup then it's on YOU.

If people here think this app is useless... write your own app if you think you can do better...

Goatfungus, I apologize for this user's comments... keep doing a great job! And I salute you for your patience in dealing with users like this.

Works perfectly well for me on a Mac too (using the .jar version, which I am so grateful for!)

Just not with Steam Experimental at the moment, but I'm patient and know it will be fixed when it can.

Slelsul, understand you are frustrated but the problem is not the app. I'm running the latest (and past versions) on my 2 laptops (Windows 10 and Windows 11) and have NO ISSUES running the app. I can edit my saves with no issues and all changes I perform are applied without problems. Please check if you have the latest updates installed on your computer including the latest Java version. Then if problem persist... check your computer graphic drivers.

It has nothing to do with graphics drivers, I reloaded Java, reloaded the app with the latest version and nothing comes out of the program. I open it like I did hundreds of time and none of my saves get in the save editor it stays blank. I'm using 1.16.0 ADRIFT version. and it seems I'm not the only one with this problem. Glad that you have no problems with it but some of us do and shouldn't and it is frustrating.

Works perfectly well for me on a Mac too (using the .jar version, which I am so grateful for!)

Just not with Steam Experimental at the moment, but I'm patient and know it will be fixed when it can.

So this is an issue with Windows version not Mac. I did mention that this was Windows.

Also Mac user you need to just go. You genuinely are not welcome near me you absolute moron for gaming on Apple. All you need is to have ITunes update once and your system is fried. Too bad it took until now to let you even use the computer without an ITunes account. Go rub your $1500 brick you call a phone that is only copying old Android tech 10 years later.

You never did read that I said Windows and if you did you were crazy enough to ignore it. Apple is not welcome near me. It is a scam.

Apple gamers are free targets on the internet. Has not a single person mentioned that to you? You are an abomination to gaming. I can only guess at which lemon of a Mac you have. Is it the one they had fix a soldering issue by adding a foam sticker instead of fixing the solder joints? That was actually a MacBook they refuse to fix in subsequent versions until they could not handle the bad press for intentionally ignoring it costing user hundreds and thousand for repairs and replacements. Apple is pathetic and its users idiotic for paying for that actually outdated trash.

Slelsul, understand you are frustrated but the problem is not the app. I'm running the latest (and past versions) on my 2 laptops (Windows 10 and Windows 11) and have NO ISSUES running the app. I can edit my saves with no issues and all changes I perform are applied without problems. Please check if you have the latest updates installed on your computer including the latest Java version. Then if problem persist... check your computer graphic drivers.

You need to calm down and not come here ranting (and disrespecting the developer) just because you have an issue. The developer has always been diligent and hears suggestions from users (been using the app almost 5 years now) and always deliver.

General comment: Yes, sometimes you see users writing and asking for stuff like they deserve it or if they are paying for it but... that's the world we're living now. The app is free and nobody here is forced to use it. You want to use the app... you're responsible for the mess you do on your save. And don't write stuff here like the problem is the app asking the developer to solve your mess. If you don't keep a backup then it's on YOU.

If people here think this app is useless... write your own app if you think you can do better...

Goatfungus, I apologize for this user's comments... keep doing a great job! And I salute you for your patience in dealing with users like this.

Look if Goat had the raw code available then you could rightly tell me to fix it myself.. That is not the case. And I don't care about deserving anything. I just want to live in a world where people makes stuff that works. Everywhere a human is there is something human made that is broken. This app has never been 100% so my point is if this person can't are won't have a working app then they need to stop and do not bother. It does more harm than good and that is enough to stop.

Past that if I could trust and be guaranteed that the app would work well and be properly dealt with then I would have zero issue dropping a $100 or more but I am dirt poor and this app is not even close to functional like the first time I tried it YEARS ago.

Legit I waited forever before trying to use this app again and it still is broken. also as proof here is a little screenshot of my bank balance. I only deal in real world facts so I could not care less about how out of line you think I am. I am tired of everything human made just never working as advertised. I would never drop money on a failure like this. Make it work and you have my word the first time I have funds I will drop some cash here but until then I won't touch this until overhaul.

Screenshot 2024-06-21 at 19-28-17 KeyBank Account Summa

Slelsul, understand you are frustrated but the problem is not the app. I'm running the latest (and past versions) on my 2 laptops (Windows 10 and Windows 11) and have NO ISSUES running the app. I can edit my saves with no issues and all changes I perform are applied without problems. Please check if you have the latest updates installed on your computer including the latest Java version. Then if problem persist... check your computer graphic drivers.

It has nothing to do with graphics drivers, I reloaded Java, reloaded the app with the latest version and nothing comes out of the program. I open it like I did hundreds of time and none of my saves get in the save editor it stays blank. I'm using 1.16.0 ADRIFT version. and it seems I'm not the only one with this problem. Glad that you have no problems with it but some of us do and shouldn't and it is frustrating.

As I have stated before.. Everything is up to date. I even reinstalled Java fresh. My Graphics always stay up to date. Beside this problem existed before the update and only got worse after. The update destroyed the tiny bit of functionality it had left. It needs overhauled. PERIOD.


Oh one more thing. I have tried the app with Steam and Stand alone. I got a pirated copy on my bench for testing and it is not working there either. Sorry but if it is working for you then you are beyond lucky.

A note for this. I want absolutely no comment on the pirated copy. I bought the game fair from Steam and the Pirated copy is only there on a separate bench for testing giving the history of fucking my saves that this app has. It is only smart to have a separate copy on a bench to test modding and what not. I better not get any flack for being smarter than the average of humanity.

Note that I only said smarter than the average. I did not claim to be genius so screw off with that angle as well.