
Derived/Calculated State - storing functions in state doesn't work with Alt instances?

jayalfredprufrock opened this issue · 6 comments

I'm in the process of updating an app built on Alt to be isomorphic / universal. I'm using the instance based approach, and bootstrap to hydrate the client. Everything was going smoothly until I realized that helper functions stored in my store's state are no longer available when I use this.alt.getStore('AppStore') My guess is this has something to do with the serialization/unserialization process? Or perhaps differences in addStore() versus createStore? Or maybe a bug?

Either way I'm a bit stuck. It was super convenient to dynamically compute certain things from the state and having those functions live in the state class kept everything related in one place. I realize I could create helpers that i pass the state to that would perform these calculations, but I'm hoping there is a better way.

Redux has a library called Reselect that looks really useful, but I don't think that would solve the problem in this case, since using it would still require storing a function in state, which doesn't seem possible using the instance based approach.

Anybody have thoughts on any of this?

Can you extract those helper functions into standalone functions? You can then call those functions yourself and pass the store's state in.


function getUserById(users, id) {
  return users.find(user => user.id === id)

getUsersById(UsersStore.getState(), 2)

Absolutely, and this is ultimately what I'll have to do. Just a bummer because it's quite a bit more verbose to invoke than what I had before.

Thinking out loud here...it should be possible to wrap the store with the helpers after it has been processed by Alt somehow, right?

The helpers shouldn't exist in state though. State should be serializable if you want to do universal rendering.

I think if you export them as public methods of the store then it should be fine.

Sorry, that's actually what I meant. Public methods of my stores that used to be accessible before I started doing universal rendering are now no longer available.

Do you have a failing test case by any chance?

I started to put together a test case from one of your existing ones and what I thought would fail didn't. Soooooo, forgive the noise, this must be an issue on my end.