
Got invalid syntax.

kartikchauhan opened this issue · 0 comments

Got this error when I ran the command python faceit.py convert fallon_to_oliver fallon_emmastone.mp4 --start 40 --duration 55 --side-by-side

2018-04-26 00:01:22.499696: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:140] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2 FMA
Loading Model from Model_Original plugin...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "faceit.py", line 369, in
faceit.convert(args.video, duration = args.duration, swap_model = args.swap_model, face_filter = args.face_filter, start_time = args.start_time, photos = args.photos, crop_x = args.crop_x, width = args.width, side_by_side = args.side_by_side)
File "faceit.py", line 212, in convert
model = PluginLoader.get_model(model_name)(Path(self._model_path(use_gan)))
File "faceswap/plugins/PluginLoader.py", line 13, in get_model
return PluginLoader.import("Model", "Model{0}".format(name))
File "faceswap/plugins/PluginLoader.py", line 22, in _import
module = import(name, globals(), locals(), [], 1)
File "faceswap/plugins/Model_Original.py", line 9, in
from lib.ModelAE import ModelAE, TrainerAE
File "faceswap/lib/ModelAE.py", line 64
SyntaxError: invalid syntax