Qt - invalid default /usr/plugins location
Yardanico opened this issue · 1 comments
So I wanted to compile Quassel today, but stumbled upon the issue that the default cmake configuration in Qt package in Gobo Linux 017 contains /usr/plugins directory as the directory for searching for Qt plugins.
Also /System/Index/lib/cmake/Qt5Core/Qt5CoreConfigExtrasMkspecDir.cmake
contains /usr/mkspec/linux-g++
but it should contain /Programs/Qt/Current/mkspec/linux-g++
I don't know what would be the best way to fix this - make patches to all Qt configs? For example to fix all plugins I had to do
cd /Programs/Qt/Current/lib/
sudo find . -type f -name "*.cmake" -exec sed -i 's|/usr/plugins|/Programs/Qt/Current/plugins|g' {} +
Ideally Qt and CMake should be configured to use some directory that is merged via /System/Index (e.g. /usr/lib/qt5/plugins instead of /usr/plugins), then adding plugins as separate /Programs entries would work transparently.
Where do plugins get their Qt configs from at build time? The Qt main package? I guess that would be the one to patch then!