
feature: Move MIME support out of internal

jason-jackson opened this issue · 3 comments


Currently MIME support is through mail/internal/mail/message.go, an internal package. So if I wanted to create my own Sender/BatchSender implementation with MIME support, I would need to duplicate code. Options I see:

  • Add a function to mail.Message to convert it to []byte with MIME data
  • Add a function to mail package that takes in a mail.Message and converts it to []byte with MIME data


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I'm completely fine with exposing it as a writer instead of []byte, just would be nice to have available without having to copy/paste from smtp. Had []byte as working with ses, which takes in a byte slice.

sio4 commented

I did not take a look into your issue in detail, but just want to tell you the following things around the package:

  • If there is no BIG reason, the package mail/internal/mail or part of them will not pop out from the internal
    • The package is actually a kind of vendorized module into Buffalo core but not a part of it
    • It can be removed anytime when we don't need them anymore or find another way to use them
  • Originally, the package came from

with this context, I can tell we will not expose anything from the internal mail package but we may be able to expand Buffalo's mail package. If your issue is about extending Buffalo's mail, please explain more about the purpose, use case, direction, or anything you think. However, if your issue is something directly related to the internal mail package, I think checking the modules above or the other modules for MIME support could be better.

sio4 commented

I am closing it for now, but please feel free to reopen it if you think my answer does not help you and we need more discussion on this topic.