
bug: Partials not working as described in documentation

armondressler opened this issue · 12 comments


My goal is to use the partials feature as described in the documentation.
Using buffalo v0.18.14


When trying to use the partials as described in https://gobuffalo.io/documentation/frontend-layer/partials/, buffalo returns with a 500 and gives the following error:

users/new.html: line 2: could not call partial function: could not find template users/_form.html

As described in the documentation i added an action "users" (new), the templates/users directory contains the following files:


<form action="/users/" method="POST">
<!-- form content here  -->


<h1>Create New User</h1>
<%= partial("users/form.html") %>

Expected Behavior

users/new should render the partial instead of throwing an error.

Actual Behavior

users/new.html: line 2: could not call partial function: could not find template users/_form.html

To Reproduce

No response

Additional Context

The renderer seems to be working in general. The example from https://gobuffalo.io/pt/documentation/frontend-layer/rendering/#markdown works as intended.

Ditto here, same problem.

Windows 11 x64
Go 1.20.3
Buffalo 0.18.14

To reproduce

  1. Create and run test app
$ buffalo new test-app
$ cd test-app
$ buffalo generate resource Items name:string
$ buffalo pop create
$ buffalo pop migrate
$ buffalo dev
  1. Navigate to `http://localhost:3000/items/new

  2. Observe error as described in @armondressler's report above

I believe the root cause is the use of filepath.Join in the context of fs.FS with Windows using forward slash vs back slash. A similar issue was discussed here with the explanation:

The io/fs.FS package uses forward slashes for filenames, even on Windows. See https://golang.org/pkg/io/fs/#ValidPath:

"Note that paths are slash-separated on all systems, even Windows."

You should use path.Join, not filepath.Join for embed filenames.

Originally posted by @eliasnaur in golang/go#44305 (comment)

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This is related to how go:embed works. With go embed, files starting with "." and "_" are ignored. Which means, they are not available in the binary.

Check: https://pkg.go.dev/embed

To fix this, you can update the public/embed.go and apply this change:

-   //go:embed */* *
+  //go:embed all:*/* all:*

@fsniper that is not correct. See my above comment and the linked issues. It is a problem with using filepath.Join vs path.Join under Windows.

@saurori I can't speak for windows, but I had to fix this on OSX just 2 days ago. And this was my solution.

I suppose my case was totally unrelated. I used a public/partials directory which does not refer to any action.

@fsniper what you described with go:embed I also ran into on macOS (has to do with go:embed prior to go 1.18 and files starting with _). But I believe the issue in this thread and other linked issues has to do with back slash vs forward slash behavior on Windows when using filepath.Join.

I am on go version go1.20.4 darwin/amd64. Perhaps there are 2 separate issues at play here.

I checked the test case and it's working on my configuration. So my situation is unrelated.

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This issue was closed because it has been stalled for 30+7 days with no activity.