
bug: Generated new app with vcs=none sets the directory is registered as a Git root.

paxer opened this issue · 2 comments



I generated the new app with these parameters while inside the existing repository. The idea was to add the buffalo app as yet another app to Go's workplace.

buffalo new buffalo_app --api --vcs=none --skip-docker --ci-provider=github

I noticed something strange, while the git repo was not created for the buffalo_app, I got a Git error:

Invalid VCS root mapping The directory is registered as a Git root, but no Git repositories were found there.

As a workaround, I created the app in another place (not inside the existing git repo) and copied the generated folder to my original git repository.

Expected Behavior

The newly generated app inside of the other git repository with --vcs=none does not set the directory registered as a Git root.

Actual Behavior

The newly generated app inside of the other git repository with --vcs=none set the directory registered as a Git root.

To Reproduce

generate a new app with

buffalo new buffalo_app --api --vcs=none --skip-docker --ci-provider=github

while inside of the another git repository

Additional Context


Paste the output of `buffalo info` here!

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