
bug: missing port in address in testing

Closed this issue · 2 comments



the issue raises when i am testing endpoints that is in a grouping,
working code:
app = buffalo.New(buffalo.Options{ Env: ENV, SessionStore: sessions.Null{}, PreWares: []buffalo.PreWare{ cors.Default().Handler, }, SessionName: "_uloapi_session", Logger: dl, }) app.GET("/health", HealthHandler)
test code:
type ActionSuite struct {
// health test
func Test_ActionSuite(t *testing.T) {
envy.Set("GO_ENV", "test")
app := App()
app.Env = "test"
action := suite.NewAction(app)
//if err != nil {
// t.Fatal(err)

as := &ActionSuite{
	Action: action,
suite.Run(t, as)


func (as *ActionSuite) Test_HealthHandler() {
envy.Set("GO_ENV", "test")
tests := []struct {
name string
body healthResponse
name: "empty",
body: healthResponse{},
for _, test := range tests {
as.Run(test.name, func() {

		res := as.JSON("/health").Get()
		data := healthResponse{}

		as.Equal(http.StatusOK, res.Code)
		as.Equal("application/json; charset=utf-8", res.Header().Get("Content-Type"))
		as.Equal("ok", data.API)
		as.Equal(true, data.DB)
		//as.Regexp("v0.0.0", data.Version)
		as.Equal("development", data.Env)
		//as.True(strings.HasPrefix(data.Version, "v0.0.0"))

the above test passes

Expected Behavior

modified working code(working from postman):
app = buffalo.New(buffalo.Options{ Env: ENV, SessionStore: sessions.Null{}, PreWares: []buffalo.PreWare{ cors.Default().Handler, }, SessionName: "_uloapi_session", Logger: dl, }) app.GET("/", HomeHandler) // changes to group api:=app.Group("/v1") api.GET("/health", HealthHandler)
test code:
type ActionSuite struct {
// health test
func Test_ActionSuite(t *testing.T) {
envy.Set("GO_ENV", "test")
app := App()
app.Env = "test"
action := suite.NewAction(app)
//if err != nil {
// t.Fatal(err)

as := &ActionSuite{
	Action: action,
suite.Run(t, as)


func (as *ActionSuite) Test_HealthHandler() {
envy.Set("GO_ENV", "test")
tests := []struct {
name string
body healthResponse
name: "empty",
body: healthResponse{},
for _, test := range tests {
as.Run(test.name, func() {

		// path of test updated 
		res := as.JSON("/v1/health").Get()
		data := healthResponse{}

		as.Equal(http.StatusOK, res.Code)
		as.Equal("application/json; charset=utf-8", res.Header().Get("Content-Type"))
		as.Equal("ok", data.API)
		as.Equal(true, data.DB)
		//as.Regexp("v0.0.0", data.Version)
		as.Equal("development", data.Env)
		//as.True(strings.HasPrefix(data.Version, "v0.0.0"))

the above test is expected to pass

Actual Behavior

error: missing port in address

To Reproduce

No response

Additional Context


Paste the output of `buffalo info` here!

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