
feature: Is this project active?

Closed this issue · 4 comments


Looks like no commit for almost a year or any PRs has been merged. Maintainers don't seem to be active either, so even if someone creates a PR less likely to get merged. Confused if folks who are using this framework are migrating or maintaining their own fork of this project?

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Seems like it didn't catch on. And the gorilla toolkit has been archived. A shame as I picked this framework over a year ago and I'm close to launching my site. https://x.com/elithrar/status/1601247147332358144?s=46&t=dHEN0hRnUzuc76TS7CVkzQ

Yeah! Ambitious effort. Since go 1.22 has improved router, I am going in pure golang http handler with htmx which I think works for our case

Yeah! Ambitious effort. Since go 1.22 has improved router, I am going in pure golang http handler with htmx which I think works for our case

yes, HTMX is the way! nice1 🚀