
proposal: envy v2 just as an enhanced version of `os.Getenv()`

Opened this issue · 1 comments

sio4 commented


  • #41
  • deprecating unwanted functions and clean up APIs


  • just make it as an enhanced version of os.Getenv() families with virtual features like envy only env or sandbox
  • also keep the feature of .env auto-loading or change it to manual
  • make it simple and straight forward


Envy is currently used by cli, buffalo, pop, meta v0, and clara. Also, the generated app uses it for mostly .env support which is a nice thing.

Currently, envy provides the following public functions:

  1. Main Functions:
  • Get(key string, value string) string - returns a value from the ENV, otherwise returns the given default
  • MustGet(key string) (string, error) - returns a value from the ENV. no default but returns an error
  • Set(key string, value string) - sets the value only into envy, not on the underlying ENV
  • MustSet(key string, value string) error - sets the value into the underlying ENV, as well as envy.
  1. Utilities:
  • Environ() []string - returns an array of env representation
  • Load(files ...string) error - load .env files
  • Reload() - reload the ENV variables
  • Map() map[string]string - returns all of the keys/values set in envy (no module uses it)
  • Temp(f func()) - a kind of sandbox --> still useful for testing
  1. Related to the golang environment:
  • GoBin() string - returns "GO_BIN", just a wrapper of Get("GO_BIN", "go")
  • GoPath() string - returns "GOPATH", just a wrapper of Get("GOPATH", "")
  • GoPaths() []string - returns all possible GOPATH that are set --> could be deprecated
  • InGoPath() bool - check if the current working directory is within GOPATH --> could be deprecated
  • CurrentModule() (string, error) - return the module name from go.mod --> could be deprecated
  • most of them are only used in meta v0

Also, it provides .env loading.

I don't think golang-related functions are still useful. All could be deprecated.

@gobuffalo/core-managers what do you think?

Removing the default Overload() would be very welcome. For traditional UNIX folks who expect var=value someprogram to override any file-based configuration (particularly in absence of godotenv.Overload() calls within someprogram's source), this is a serious violation of principle-of-least-surprise.