
wildcard in curly brackets

Rikkuru opened this issue · 4 comments

seems like wildcard in curly brackets does not work. or only works if there is nothing after curly brackets?
`package main
import "github.com/gobwas/glob"

import "fmt"
func main() {
g := glob.MustCompile("{a*,b}c", '.')
fmt.Println(g.Match("abc")) // false expect true

Hi @Rikkuru, could you check it against feature/v0.3 branch? It seems that this bug is already fixed.

yes it is fixed in feature/v0.3
When will it be in master?

Hey there. Sorry for so huge delay – finally I have refactored feature/v0.3 and it looks stable and passing tests. Could you please again check your case against it and I will merge it tomorrow, I hope.

Hi @gobwas !
I checked it again, works fine in feature/v0.3