
Matching with pattern list giving unexpected results

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I am trying to match a source array to a pattern array (I process the source list one item at a time)

sourceList := []string{"test.20190101.120000", "test.20190101.130000", "test.20190101.140000"}
patternList := []string{"test.201901.12*", "test.201901.14*"}

gives the expected results
Match List [test.20190101.120000 test.20190101.130000 test.20190101.140000] to Patterns [test.201901.12* test.201901.14*]
Match Item test.20190101.120000 to Patterns [test.201901.12* test.201901.14*] true
Match Item test.20190101.130000 to Patterns [test.201901.12* test.201901.14*] false
Match Item test.20190101.140000 to Patterns [test.201901.12* test.201901.14*] true

but If I change the pattern to (see the first pattern in the list - I took out the first ".")
sourceList := []string{"test.20190101.120000", "test.20190101.130000", "test.20190101.140000"}
patternList := []string{"test201901.12*", "test.201901.14*"}

I get the unexpected results - nothing matches!
Match List [test.20190101.120000 test.20190101.130000 test.20190101.140000] to Patterns [test201901.12* test.201901.14*]
Match Item test.20190101.120000 to Patterns[test201901.12* test.201901.14*] false
Match Item test.20190101.130000 to Patterns [test201901.12* test.201901.14*] false
Match Item test.20190101.140000 to Patterns [test201901.12* test.201901.14*] false

If it is a problem with the pattern, I could see the first source entry not matching but expected the third source entry to match as in the first test as it is the same.

Am I misunderstanding the use of a pattern array?

here is the go code i used

func findMatches(sl, pl []string) (ml []string) {
gp := "{" + strings.Join(pl, ",") + "}"
g := glob.MustCompile(gp)
Log.Infof("Match List %s to Patterns %s", sl, pl)
for _, s := range sl {
m := g.Match(s)
if m {
ml = append(ml, s)
Log.Infof("Match Item %s to Patterns %s %v", s, pl, m)
return ml

Hi there. Could you please to test it against feature/v0.3 branch?

@gobwas are you plan to release soon?

@AlmogBaku I am planning, yes. Do you have same problems? Could you try it over feature/v0.3?