Storage Write API functionality doesn't work - UNKNOWN: failed to find stream
tarasrng opened this issue · 2 comments
What happened?
I'm trying to implement a very simple PoC using Storage Write API and test it using the emulator (v0.6.3), but I keep getting this error: io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: UNKNOWN: failed to find stream from projects/test-project/datasets/local-bigquery/tables/local-table/_default
Enabling the debug level doesn't help to find the root cause, container logs have nothing suspicious.
Actual code that uses Storage Write API:
JSONArray rowContentArray = new JSONArray();
JSONObject rowContent;
rowContent = new JSONObject();
rowContent.put("timestamp", DateTimeFormatter.ISO_INSTANT.format(Instant.ofEpochMilli(timestamp).atOffset(ZoneOffset.UTC)));
rowContent.put("id", deviceIdentifier);
rowContent.put("json", objectMapper.writeValueAsString(json));
rowContent.put("partition", partition);
TableSchema tableSchema = TableSchema.newBuilder()
BigQueryWriteSettings settings = BigQueryWriteSettings.newBuilder()
bigQueryWriteClient = BigQueryWriteClient.create(settings);
writer = JsonStreamWriter.newBuilder(parentTable.toString(), tableSchema, bigQueryWriteClient)
ApiFuture<AppendRowsResponse> future = writer.append(rowContentArray);
BTW the emulator works fine when using older insertAll
I would appreciate any help in understanding the root cause and how I can troubleshoot the problem.
What did you expect to happen?
The integration test should run successfully
How can we reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible)?
This is a sample project demonstrating the issue:
Test run command (requires Java 21 installed):
./mvnw clean install
Anything else we need to know?
Table schema creation:
Emulator config: