
Optinally pass context factory alongside context

arnaudbriche opened this issue · 1 comments


I have this use case where I need to pass some pointers to data structure to each new instanciated context; these structures mostly contain pointers to services (datastore, search...) that are created at application startup. Problem is: I don't see any hook I could use to pass these structures to newly created context.

I though maybe it would be useful for me and others to be able to pass a context factory (func() *Context) to the router at creation time. With this, I could do somethinh like:

type Context struct {
    Search *SearchService


search := NewSearchService(...)

router := web.New(Context{}, func() *Context {
    return &Context{Search: search}

Well, actually, the solution was to use a middleware:

type Context struct {
    Search *SearchService


search := NewSearchService(...)

router := web.New(Context{})

router.Middleware(func(ctx *Context, resp web.ResponseWriter, req *web.Request, next web.NextMiddlewareFunc) {
    ctx.Search = search
    next(resp, req)