Context holding dB sessions ?
joeblew99 opened this issue · 2 comments
joeblew99 commented
I use rethinkdb.
Is the context thread safe to hold dB sessions ?
Also I need to write none http servers. I would like to use as much shared code across both.
I am still learning, but what advicecan you offer here.
Thanks in advance. And sorry for such open questions
cypriss commented
A new context is created for each request. If you have a rethinkdb connection, you could assign it to the context in a middleware.
I'm not sure what none http servers are?
joeblew99 commented
Ok thanks for reply.
About "None Servers", sorry badly typed. What i was wondering about is how to reuse DB session code between HTTP based server and non HTTP daemons. I think i have worked it out in the last day though, so all good.