
Checkbox hidden/not showing on Email Subscribers 5.0.8. form

VWALAblog opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug:
Checkbox does not display as part of Email Subscribers 5.0.8. form in "Go" theme but does show via "Twenty Twenty-One" theme. Looking for a theme update that remedies issue or CSS that can counteract issue as a temporary solution.

Current HTML in place: <input type="checkbox" name="es_gdpr_consent" value="true" required="">

Expected behavior:
Checkbox should display beside text to allow for confirmation of GDPR/Privacy Policy.

Screenshot 2022-01-08 at 15 34 09

Priority (select one):

  • [ x ] High - Functional blocker
  • Medium - Doesn't work as expected
  • Low - Not a big deal but we'd want to get to this eventually

Possibly related to #787 and #729