
support for ipad?

roryfahy opened this issue · 2 comments

is there any possibility that you’d consider making this app support ipados? I realize this is a super non trivial ask and potentially not even possible, not sure. It would be very useful I know theres an ipad community that is currently pretty frustrated with the limited power user tooling so could be a good market.

so, two things:

  1. the Accessibility APIs needed to grab all the info necessary for Wooshy to do its magic is only available for macOS (started with Jaguar, 19 years ago. those are very old APIs).
  2. not 100% sure, but i think there's no APIs on iOS/iPadOS to do what Wooshy does with macOS
  3. i personally mostly use Macs, so i'm not gonna dig into iPadOS. business-wise the trio kindaVim/Wooshy/Scrolla is a very bad decision. but i keep going because i mostly built those apps for myself. would make no sense for me to go into a iPadOS version, sorry.

not gonna be done. closing. please reopen if there's more to discuss.